Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • 艺术治疗师
  • 案例管理器
  • Clinical Counseling
  • 高er Education Administration
  • Human Resources
  • Neuroscientist
  • 精神病学家
  • 心理治疗
  • Public Health Official

For individuals who

Are interested in the human mind. Have an interest in health psychology and cognitive neuro科学. 


Engaged peers and faculty. Access to research labs and experiences. A 科学 degree that can be used to pursue further education. 


  • 案例管理器
  • Clinical Counseling
  • Neuroscientist
  • 精神病学家
  • 心理治疗

Background Information

Psychologists study a broad range of thought and behavior, from normal to abnormal, in both individuals and social groups. 心理学区别于其他领域的是它强烈的研究取向. Because psychology is relevant to virtually all professions, students who plan to enter professions such as medicine, 法律, 业务 管理, 社会工作, education or counseling often elect to major or minor in psychology.

Career Opportunities

大多数心理学家的专业职位都要求硕士或博士学位. 除了 to pursuing graduate work in psychology, recent graduates have entered professional programs in medicine, counseling and guidance, 业务, special education, 社会工作, 法律, 牙科, ministry and optometry.

我们的许多学生在完成学士学位后立即找工作. 雇主们寻找心理学专业的学生,因为他们既有人际关系又有研究能力. 我们的一些毕业生进入了与心理服务直接相关的岗位.g., mental health aide, psychological testing technician, behavior analyst, or medical research assistant). 另一些人的职位与心理服务没有直接关系,但与心理学有关.g., 销售, 管理, 法律 enforcement, 修正, 广告, market research and statistical consulting).



本科 students can either major or minor in psychology at NDSU. Students majoring in psychology may pursue either a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Science (B.S.). The primary difference between the two degree programs is that the B.A. 学位要求具备第二年的外语水平,而B.S. 要求获得批准的辅修课程或额外的自然科学或社会科学课程,而不是语言课程. 心理学的专业和辅修要求都允许每个学生选择与他或她自己的兴趣最相关的课程.


新生和转学生可以从专业顾问和新大职业和咨询中心获得介绍性的学术建议. 这种预备建议一直持续到学生被分配给指导老师开始他们的大三. 除了 to these professional and faculty advisors, 学生可以使用我们的网络咨询中心获取有关心理学课程和职业规划的信息. Printed handouts with this information are also available from the department.

One helpful feature is the Career Orientation OverLay (COOL), 哪些课程是为了帮助学生选择与他们的职业目标相关的课程而开发的. COOLs are available for behavioral neuro科学 (e.g., medicine, medical research), industrial psychology (e.g., 业务, industry), human services (e.g., clinical psychology, 社会工作), and experimental psychology (e.g., academic and research careers).

研究 and Computing Facilities

NDSU的学生和教师从事心理学领域的各种主题的研究. 研究 laboratories include experimental rooms for human research, sound-attenuated chambers, a group lab suite, a virtual reality display system and a driving simulator. Laboratory facilities include advanced equipment for studying human perception, brain function, information processing and social interaction.

因为NDSU的项目强调用科学的方法来研究行为, student research is strongly encouraged. 本科生经常担任研究助理,与教师和研究生密切合作. Current research includes projects on health, 愿景, virtual reality/multi-sensory integration, information processing, behavior modification, 情感, 抑郁症, history of psychology, and group processes.

Field Experience

该部门与法戈-摩尔黑德社区的一些服务机构保持着良好的关系. 通过这些接触,心理学专业的学生可以在人类服务环境中获得实地经验. At the same time, 他们可以获得大学学分,并了解心理学原理在社区服务机构中的乐虎集团.


研究和教学助理奖学金有时可以提供给高级本科生. 学生还可以通过NDSU勤工俭学计划获得在该部门工作的支持. 除了, 心理学研究奖励基金为本科生提供研究项目和参加专业会议的旅费.

Some scholarships are available for undergraduates. 例如, 帕特里夏·比蒂奖学金每年为一到两名大三和大四的心理学学生提供资金. Students are invited to apply for these scholarships, 哪些是根据平均成绩和参与部门研究和活动而授予的. 我们的许多学生还参加了全校范围内的项目,这些项目赞助学生与教师导师(例如)一起做研究, the McNair Scholars program).

高 School Preparation

高中基础大学预科课程对NDSU心理学专业的学生来说是足够的. Since research and writing skills are particularly important, students should be well-grounded in English, 科学, social 科学, and mathematics. 如果你在高中没有学过心理学,不要担心——在这里你会学到很多课程. 事实上, 一般来说,我们更希望学生在新大上心理学入门课程,而不是在高中上大学先修课程.

心理学 小s

心理学总共需要18个学分,必须包括PSYC 111(心理学导论)和一门300或400级的课程. 除了 to general psychology minors, more specialized minors are available in neuro科学 and managerial psychology.

B.S. in Behavioral Statistics

这个跨学科的专业是心理学系和统计学系共同努力的结果. (注意:这个专业的学生也要完成心理学学位的要求.本课程的毕业生将具备收集和分析人类行为数据的技能, and would be employable in firms that deal with medical or Medicare data, consumer activity, market research, 等. See the psychology web site, your advisor or the NDSU Bulletin for detailed information.