  • 研究
  • 生物科学技术员
  • 项目经理
  • 野生动物学家
  • 环境规划
  • 现场技术人员 


Have passion and interest in the science and management of natural resources.


昆虫学课程, 自然资源管理, range science and soil science, as well as additional programs and colleges across NDSU.


  • 佛瑞斯特
  • 环境科学家
  • 环境专家
  • 实验室技术员
  • 公园管理员


The NRM undergraduate program is offered by the School of Natural Resource Sciences (SNRS) at 乐虎电子 (NDSU). We are an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the science and management of natural resources. The program draws upon courses and resources across SNRS, 包括昆虫学, 自然资源管理, 范围的科学, 与土壤科学, as well as additional programs and colleges across NDSU.

Students in NRM acquire a broad background in natural resources as well as an in-depth study in an area of interest. This exposure to multiple disciplines helps prepare students to find solutions to complex environmental problems. The undergraduate program curriculum is divided into core classes required of all students and an emphasis selected by the individual student from six areas of interest.

NRM核心- This group of courses provides each student a broad foundation while satisfying NDSU’s General Education requirements.

全国抵抗运动强调 –NRM offers six emphasis areas, each with their own combination of course requirements and electives. The emphases allow students to choose courses from a diverse group of approved electives.

  • 昆虫学, Entomology is the study of insects and how they interact with people and with the environment. This emphasis area provides a strong scientific foundation with a focus on insects, 它们是如何被研究的, 以及他们的管理.
  • Environmental Sustainability, Outreach, and Policy - Focuses on how to deal with environmental and social changes in a sustainable way. The emphasis area prepares students to work on environmental policy and public outreach combined with strategic thinking to predict sustainable paths on pressing environmental issues.
  • 牧场生态学—— Focuses on the broad study of native, non-forested ecosystems that cover more than 50% of the earth's land. These areas are managed as natural ecosystems to provide services that can benefit society. This emphasis area will prepare students by covering a variety of ecological topics including wildlife management, 草原恢复, 火灾生态学.
  • Rangeland Livestock Production - Focuses on the management of rangelands and grasslands for optimum livestock production and environmental benefits for society. Students will cover land management fields, the work of agencies and the private sector, 还有牧场经营.
  • 土壤科学—— Soil Science is the study of the soil as a component of natural and man-made systems. It is the key factor in food production and is at the forefront of environmental and natural resource issues such as land use, 土壤污染, ground water quality and waste disposal.
  • Water, Habitat, and Environmental Management - Focuses in an interdisciplinary way on the environmental management of ecosystems. This emphasis area teaches basic and hands-on principles in the management of water, 生境(动植物), 还有环境 as a whole.


Our faculty come from across the School of Natural Resource Sciences and are dedicated to providing quality instruction and advising.


NRM graduates are prepared with the skills and knowledge for facing complex problems in natural resources, 农业, 还有环境. Common career options include natural resources jobs with government agencies at the federal, 状态, or local level; agricultural, conservation and environmental non-profit organizations, extension and outreach positions, 私营部门的就业, including consulting in addition to preparation for advanced degrees.